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Saturday, June 27, 2020

Most Annoying Characters In Current Pakistani Dramas

Even the simplest dramas can sometimes have the foremost annoying characters. What makes a personality annoying is that the way it's been written and also how it's acted-out. Most of the time, both these factors are liable for making a personality annoying. A personality also gets on the viewers’ nerves when it stops making sense altogether. At other times, there's no character development which frustrates the viewers.


Nirma (Jhooti)

Drama serial Jhooti revolves around Nirma quite the other character. Within the beginning, the viewers were shown within the most unconvincing manner how this jhooti got away with everything from lying to stealing. It’s one among those characters which has no layers in the least and even the negativity makes no sense. Nirma managed to urge married, get properties, money, and everything she wanted without anyone questioning her actions. It had been terribly annoying watching her father fall for each single trick she pulled. It had been a convenient way of creating her character escape with it all!

When she met Ali, all of a sudden she became the foremost gullible person around. All her chalaki disappeared and she or he was fooled by every single lie she was told. Nirma’s character has made no sense throughout and Iqra Aziz’s performance is simply as bad because the character itself.


Hamna (Ishqiya)

Hamna has annoyed the viewer’s right from the start. She has been testing the patience of the viewers together with her silence and stupidities both. With the exception of the primary 2 or 3 episodes, Hamna had only a few dialogues and there have been numerous times when it had been impossible to inform why she was hiding everything from her sister. This character got such a lot screen time within the drama since it's the leading character within the play yet Hamna has no personality whatsoever! Even after watching numerous episodes, the viewers are left wondering who Hamna is!!


Although Hamna is somehow alleged to be a bechari but you most certainly don't pity her. She barely has any dialogues and for the foremost a part of the drama, Ramsha Khan has an equivalent expressionless face. Hamna has been ‘lost’ ever since she acknowledged that her father wanted her to marry Azeem and since then she has not been ready to find herself. Recently, she decided to inform Azeem the reality at the oddest moment. She didn't tell Romaissa that their father was sick and most significantly she never shared the reality about Hamza with Romaissa and let her marry him!

Miraal (Sabaat)

Miraal is that the central character of drama serial Sabaat and most of the viewers were looking forward to watching Sarah Khan playing a negative role during this drama. Unfortunately, soon after the drama started, most of the viewers were extremely disappointed with the turn this character took. Miraal has been shown as an impact freak, someone who wants everything her way but that's all that there's to her character!


The character lacks layers altogether, Sarah Khan’s dressing and therefore the way the director has shown covered her scenes suggests that she is basically smart and up to big things but all she does is interfere in her brother’s life and treat people like trash! The actress of Sabaat is popping bent be more annoying than interesting.

Sabeeh (Dil Ruba)

Sabeeh is that the male version of all those becharis we see in our dramas all the time. He has been crazy with Sanam probably from the day he met her and even after everything she did, his feelings haven't changed. There has been zero character development and rather than feeling for him, Mohib Mirza’s performance causes you to want to skip Sabeeh’s scenes. Watching Sabeeh’s bechargi tends to be really annoying, a bit like Hamna, he has been crying and suffering right from the primary episode which is painful and boring to watch!

Zoya (Kashf)

Zoya is that the commonest character during a drama that features a different story. Zoya’s track is additionally the foremost annoying aspect of an otherwise likable drama. She is one among those many sisters we've seen repeatedly in Pakistani dramas right from the time Maat went on air whose sole purpose in life is to convert and eventually marry their sister’s fiancé. Zoya is conniving and really ‘focused’ on her mission! It’s annoying watching her scenes during a drama that has enough negative characters already and didn't need a sibling rivalry track which has been done-to-death already in Pakistani dramas!


Even though Zoya knows fully well that Wajdan loves Kashf but she obviously doesn’t care and is just too sure that when she gets married to him, she is going to be happy! This drama could have avoided such a personality and this track since it's just plain irritating and unnecessary.


Esa (Pyar Ke Sadqay)

Shanzay’s husband Esa had a brief role to play within the drama but he was terribly annoying! Esa’s character was even as unpleasant because the performance of the actor playing the role. The viewers were left wondering why the author decided to feature such a personality to a play that has a number of the foremost layered and well-etched-out characters. Watching Esa’s scene was painful because of the character and therefore the acting!


Shanzay (Pyar Ke Sadqay)

Shanzay was introduced as a wise and sensible girl in drama serial Pyar Ke Sadqay. Once she got married to Esa, something changed drastically and so far, the viewers are unable to work out why she became this desperate and annoying loser! Shanzay’s scenes are even more irritating due to Yashma Gill’s overacting within the play. Although the viewers are alleged to hate Shanza, the character has stopped making sense altogether therefore it's confusing.

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